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SDG Cantatafinder

Name und Address of the Author

Alexander Behrens
Hans-Marchwitza-Str. 8
04279 Leipzig

Telefon: +4915221744211

Third Parties

The Cantatafinder is an unofficial fan site and is run by a private person, Alexander Behrens. The Monteverdi Choir and Orchestras Limited accept no responsibility for any content provided by the Cantatafinder. The Monteverdi Choir and Orchestras Limited are unable to reply to questions relating to the Cantatafinder. Please refer to the contact above to address your queries directly to Alexander Behrens.

Many thanks to Gundemarie Scholz who was my "first-hour PHP mentor" and wrote the scripts for the original version of the Cantatafinder in 2005.

Privacy Policy

Legally liable for the purpose of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): Alexander Behrens (for contact details, see above).

Data Stored

I disabled all logs in the dashboard of my web space; also, I do not use HTTP-Cookies.

Data Subject Rights

Please use the above contact details to exercise the following rights:

You are entitled to revoke any consent given at any point of time.

Competent Regulatory Authority for Data Protection

Sächsischer Datenschutzbeauftragter Mr. Andreas Schurig, Bernhard-von-Lindenau-Platz 1, 01067 Dresden, Germany,, Telefon: 0351493 / 5401,

For creating the German version of these legal notes, I used the text generator of the activeMind AG (Version 2018-06-22) .